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C U R R I C U L U M   V I T A E   ✩   K A R M A   B A R N E S 





S E L E C T E D   E X H I B I T I O N S  &  P U B L I C  P R O G R A M S

2024 Upcoming Arte Laguna Art Prize Finalist Exhibition, Arsenale Nord, Venice, Italy.


2023 Relative Terrains, collaboration with Robert Franken, Grafton Regional Gallery (Lismore Regional Gallery off-site gallery)

NSW, Australia


2023 The Mapping Internal & External Terrains - Community Cartography, Lismore Regional Gallery, NSW, Australia


2019 The Contemporary Art Gallery of Rome- MACRO Asilo Currational Project

Imagine the Land Project. Large-scale installation, exhibition & and public program in Ambiente #2 exhibition hall.


Ambassador for the Terzo Paradiso - Rebirth-day in collaboration with.Michelangelo Pistoletto 

Imagine the Land Project has been presented in;

2019 The Rebirth Day Forum- Art and Social Impact, The Contemporary Art Gallery of Rome

2018 Third Paradise- Terzo Paradiso YARAT Contemporary Art Centre, Baku, Azerbaijan

2017 The Forum Rebirth Geografias de la transformacion. Havana, Cuba, Exhibition of Terzo Paradiso ambassadors projects.

2013 Third Paradise & the Rebirth Louvre Museum, Paris, France. Michelangelo Pistoletto’s; Year 1: Earthly Paradise.

2013 The Rebirth-day soiree at the Louvre Museum, Paris.

2018 Aine Terrell In This House - Imagine the Land Project, Byron Bay, NSW.
Collaboration with Aine Tyrell and Bunyarra Culture Collective for "In This House" music video. Filmed and edited by renowned Irish music and documentary maker Dara Munnis


2017 One One - Te Uru West Auckland Regional Gallery - Imagine the Land Project Auckland, New Zealand.
Exhibition and collaboration with Ekarasa Doblanovic.


2015 Maati Ma-Festival of Soil, Navdanya Foundation - Imagine the Land Project.
India International Centre, New Delhi, India.
Culture of the Living Soil Exhibition of Imagine the Land artworks and promotional material artist


2013 What Lies Beneath Te Uru, West Auckland Regional Gallery - Imagine the Land Project. Auckland, New Zealand.
Commissioned installation artwork What Lies Beneath and regional schools arts education program.


2012 Earth Rhythms, The Wallace Gallery, Imagine the Land Project. Morrinsville, New Zealand.
Participatory installation project and exhibition with 500 participants, public and schools program.


2011 Museum of Land and Sea-Death & Diversity Exhibition, Wellington, New Zealand.
imagine the Land Project. live installment and public presentation program. In collaboration with Amitabha Hospice, in conjunction with the Office of Ethnic Affairs. Funded by Auckland UNITEC Environmental Sustainability Fund.


2010 Sacra Terra, OctoPOD Gallery, TINA Arts Festival - Imagine the Land Project. Newcastle, Australia.
Installation, interactive exhibition & panel presentation on Eco-Aesthetics.


2010 Sonando Con Eldesierto. Antonio Narino Museum - Villa de Leyva, Colombia.
Masalla des la palabras desert public art and installation art project in collaboration with Villa de Leyva women's groups and community.

Solo exhibition of works created during the RESARTIS Residency at Antonio Narino Museum.


2009 Mountain Breath, Solo exhibition. Verbier Art Gallery, Verbier, Switzerland 


2009 1000 Prayers, 1000 Kisses, Solo exhibition La Cave de la Ferme, Frangy, France


2009-2010 Micheal Fowler Center- Wellington Convention Center & Concert Hall, Wellington, New Zealand

Public Art Installment


2009 Weaving the Circle, Wellington Fringe Festival of the Arts. Wellington Waterfront, New Zealand.
Exhibition director, collaborative multi-media exhibition. Supported by CNZ


2004 Kala Gaia, Dunedin Fringe Festival of the Arts. Dunedin, New Zealand.

Multi-media performance arts project.



P U B L I C  A R T


2024-2017 Kinship Festival Art Installation Project.. Public art installation project in collaboration with the Bundjalung community. Kinship Festival. Committee board member.


2020-21 Super Rough Seas- M-Arts Precinct, Murwillumbah, NSW Supported by Arts Northern Rivers

Arts Recover Project and large-scale public art installment for the region of Northern Rivers, NSW.


2019 - 2012 NAIDOC Day installation Projects - Imagine the Land Project. Byron Bay Waterfront, NSW

Public participatory art installation projects in collaboration with Arakwal Aboriginal Land Council.


2016 YWCA National Launch - Child Protection Week- Imagine the Land Project Lismore, NSW.
Design and facilitation of large-scale participatory public art installation in the town central roundabout and engagement project with over 1000 participants.


2014, 2013 Woodford Folk Festival, Rebirth-day - Imagine the Land Project.
Woodford, Queensland.
Participatory installation project and representation of international art project Rebirth-day.


2012 Yarrabah Indigenous Community Eclipse Installation Project - Imagine the Land Project. Rare Earth Foundation, Yarrabah Community, Queensland. Collaboration with local community artists and young people in a site-specific installation project.


2013 La Rosa Park Project - Auckland City Council (Commissioned) - Imagine the Land Project. Auckland, New Zealand.
Public art installation, and arts education workshops for school groups with environmental organization Wai Care commissioned by Auckland City Council.


2010 Raglan Wharf Installation Project. Imagine the Land Project. Raglan, New Zealand.

Participatory Public Program. Supported by Creative Communities Waikato.


G r o u p   E x h i b i t i o n s


2023 Wild Pigment Project, collaborative group exhibition project at NMSU Art Museum, New Mexico, USA.


2023 SALON, Lundberg Gallery, Group exhibition and artist talk, Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia.


2023 A House is Not a Home, Installation project. Ocean Shores Flood Affected House, NSW, Australia.


2022 Wild Pigment Project, collaborative group exhibition project at Form & Concept, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.


2020 BAM Byron Art Magazine Bushfire Relief Charity Auction, NSW, Australia.


2011 Australia and NZ Arts Therapy Association Conference, Mater Hospital. Brisbane.

Participatory installation project within-hospital context. Funded by Auckland UNITEC Environmental Sustainability Fund.


2011 E:Scape - Waitakaruru Sculpture Park & Arboretum Waikato, New Zealand.

imagine the Land Project installation collaborative project Karma Barnes, Ekarasa Doblanovic in collaboration with James Nash, Maurice van Coote.


2011 Sky Above, Earth Below. Waitakaruru Sculpture Park & Arboretum. Waikato, New Zealand.

imagine the Land Project installation collaborative project
Supported by The Environmental Sustainability Fund- Auckland Unitec.



A r t i s t   i n   R e s i d e n c e


2022 NRCG Relative Terrains Arts Residency with Robert Frankin, Ballina, NSW, Australia.


2014 Earthskin Creative Residency -Treasured Landscapes - Protecting Places We Love, Piha, New Zealand


2013 Lines in the Sand Arts Festival, Artist in Residence Program - Imagine the Land Project Stradbroke Island, Australia
Environmental arts lab, environmental art installations and public art workshops.


2010 El Hayelo International Artist Residency Program -RESARTIS. Villa de Leyva, Colombia. Two-month artist in residence, including installation projects and an exhibition. Development of site-specific environmental installations in the Colombian desert.


2010 Matapihi Art Gallery. Resident artist in studio. Raglan, New Zealand.

2009 & 2003 Arts Unique Gallery. Resident studio artist. Marahau, New Zealand.



P u b l i c a t i o n s


Jacobsson, M, Dr Dunphy, K & Barnes, K, 2016, Promoting wellbeing in Timor-Leste through the creative arts: A resource for counsellors, therapists & facilitators, Many Hands International, Melbourne, Australia. 2016.

Shiva, Dr V. 2015. Bhoomi the Living Soil, Navdanya/Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology.


Barnes, K. 2014. An Exploration into the Practice and Application of Mindfulness and the MIECAT Approach in a Expressive Arts Research Inquiry. The MIECAT Institute, Melbourne, Australia.

Pistoletto, M. 2013.Michelangelo Pistoletto, Année 1: Le Paradis sur

Terre, Musée du Louvre Editions and Actes Sud, Paris. 2012

Pellegrini, M. 2013. Rebirth Day Montage Video, Musée du Louvre Editions and Actes Sud, Paris.


Murphy, J, Global Citizens, Creative Arts Text, Insights & Interactive Activities, 2013, Amazon, Australia.






Master by Supervision in Experiential & Creative Arts Practise (Art Therapy), (2012-13), Major in Arts Therapy, MIECAT Institute, Melbourne.

Post Grad.Cert Experiential & Creative Arts Therapy, (2011), Major in Arts Therapy, MIECAT Institute, Melbourne.


BA Art & Creativity (2004, 2008) TLC School of Art & Creativity, Wellington, NZ (Recognised in Australia by RMIT)

Diploma of Art & Creativity (1999), Certificate of Art & Creativity (1998), TLC School of Art & Creativity, Wellington, NZ.




C U R R I C U L U M   V I T A E  //  A R T  T H E R A P I S T


Art Therapy Northern Rivers- Art Therapist Contract Services, 2014 - current
Supporting social and emotional well-being through expressive and creative art therapy one-on-one Adolescent-Specific Art Therapy, art therapy and community arts programs and projects. Contracting to;
- Family and Community Services
- Juvenile Justice
- UPA - Youth Care /Allambi Care
- MacKillop House
- Kinship Festival
- Northern Rivers Community Gallery
- Lismore Regional Gallery
- Grafton Regional Gallery


Autism Camp Australia Day Program, - Art Therapist , Northern Rivers, NSW. 2020 - current

Northern Rivers, NSW, 2020 - Current

✩ Writing and delivery of group art therapy sessions for children and adolescent participants focused on positive psychology and personal strengths. 

✩ Supporting the development of communication, social skills, sensory and emotional regulation and fine and gross motor skills.

✩ Writing and delivery of online group art therapy programs.
✩ Delivery of evidence-based art therapy group programs services for neuro-divergent young people.


Byron Youth Services  - Art Therapist / Art Project Contractor

Byron Bay, NSW, 2011- current.

✩ Program coordinator for arts-based community engagement projects.

✩ Art Therapist for youth at risk.

✩ Youth Art Exhibitions co-ordination and curation.

✩ ARTHIVE co-ordinator, program writing and delivery of program for young people experiencing adverse conditions.

✩ ARTCAFE co-ordinator, program writing and delivery of program for young people experiencing mental health challenges.

✩ Resilience Hack- Program co-ordinator. Building leadership skills, mental health and resilience

around disaster response and recovery. Arts-based community engagement and research.
✩ Creatures Project- Design and delivery of a large-scale multi-media production over multi-year

✩ Art therapy programs for groups and one on one supports.

✩ ARTLAB Youth arts programs (previously)
✩ Links to Learning program facilitator with youth at risk. (previously)
✩ Cringe the Binge, Alcohol and Drug awareness school program facilitator (previously)


Willow Bank Studios - Art Therapist

Northern Rivers, NSW, 2013 - Current

✩ Writing and delivery of expressive therapy-based programs for clients with Acquired Brain Injuries..

✩ Therapeutic group facilitator


<In.scribe> Youth Street Art Mentoring Program / Project Director

2013 - Current

✩ Project manager and program delivery for regional youth street arts mentoring program delivering personal/group, expressive therapies and arts-based mentoring based on an integrated model. Run with a number of regional services including Byron Youth Service, Kyogle Youth Action, PHN Northern Territory and Links to Learning.
Program and activities writing and workshop delivery to young people, including
the integration of youth at risk, and young people from diverse backgrounds.
✩ Participant intake and client management.

✩ Production of 50 murals including an 80-meter mural which is now the largest youth art in the Northern Rivers.
✩ Overseeing
all facets of project management including; community consultation and partnerships development, supervision and support of contract facilitators and artists, interns and volunteers. budget preparation, monitoring and administration procedures, safety & health legislation, promotions and marketing, funding and sponsorship sourcing, project evaluation, reporting and funding acquittals.
✩ Public art outcomes, project launches and youth and community events.

✩ Project administration, grant writing, project partnerships developed include Regional Arts Fund, FRRR, Arts Northern Rivers & Byron Council.

Adolescent Day Program, Child and Youth Mental Health Service, Gold Coast Health

2020 - 2022

✩ Delivery of evidence-based therapeutic services for young people with severe and complex mental health issues.

✩ Designing and providing therapeutic interventions using the visual arts and multi-modalities.
✩ Assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of patients’ responses and program implementation.


UPA Youth Care Services - Art Therapist / Therapeutic Youth Mentor

Northern Rivers, NSW, 2017 - 2021

✩ Therapeutic Youth Mentoring working with young people in care with structured one-to-one, strength-based support practice's with a focus on resilience, well-being, personal growth and creative expression to foster Independence, generosity, belonging and self mastery.

✩ Family contact and support supervisor

✩ Interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, problem-solving

✩ Art therapy interventions
✩ Skill acquisition and practice in the community
✩ Daily living and social needs.


Social Futures (NRSDC) - Links to Learning Coordinator / Youth Program Facilitator

Lismore, NSW, 2016 - 2017

✩ Coordinator and facilitator of the Links to Learning Program for the Lismore area. Links to Learning is a Ministry of Education program designed to assist students at risk to re-engage with or remain engaged with learning and return to full-time attendance at their base school. Links to Learning delivers group programs to young people based on life skills, well-being, mindfulness, art, creativity and technology.

✩ Coordinating all aspects of the program including curriculum design and facilitation. ✩ Student, school and welfare liaise, development and maintenance of key stakeholder

relationships. Liaising with schools and parents/carers on client progress, issues, needs and achievements
✩ Reporting and administration. Maintaining work plans and summaries of activities. Project reporting and data collection.


Child & Adolescent Specialist Programs & Accommodation (CASPA) - Art Therapist (contactor)
Lismore, NSW, 2012 - current

✩ Art therapy treatment sessions for adolescent one-on-one clients and delivery of client progress reports.

✩ Art therapy group programs for adolescent client groups
✩ Preparing activities for adolescents, focusing on behavioural
management and mindfulness skills, social skills, self-control and self-esteem.


Currumbin Cockatoo Bush School - Bush school facilitator

Currumbin, Queensland, 2015 - 2017

✩ Facilitator in children’s outdoor nature connection classes based on naturalist skills, nature-based games, outdoor education activities and nature-based arts.


Women's Transformation Project - Art Therapist

Byron Shire Council, 2015

✩ Design and delivery of a series of arts-based workshops for young women & lead artist for therapeutic arts and cultural Women’s Oracle Card deck.


CRANKFEST Youth Arts Mentoring Project - Youth Art Exhibition Director

Evans Head Neighborhood Center 2015

✩ Youth arts industry mentoring workshops design and delivery, writing and design of Arts Industry 101 Package, an arts industry package for young people in the Northern Rivers. ✩ One-on-one arts-based mentoring
✩ CRANKFEST youth art exhibition organisation and curation


Many Hands International - Youth & Women's Art Therapy Project - Art Therapist
Los Palos, Timor Leste, 2015

✩ Workshop delivery to over 60 women, and 40 youth and children over a two month period of Women's well-being art therapy workshops and youth art therapy and street art programs in the remote region of Los Palos
✩ Therapeutic and youth development outcomes and public art outcomes.
✩ Training a youth worker counterpart in arts-based
therapeutic practices.


Lismore Women & Children’s Refuge Art Therapy Program - Art Therapist

Lismore, NSW, 2012- 2013

✩ Writing and delivery of art therapy group workshops for refugee and women's services clients.
✩ Writing and delivery of staff professional development training.

✩ NSW State Women’s Refuge Conference workshops on textile art skills development for social workers to employ with clients.


Our House - Art Therapist

Lismore, NSW, 2013

✩ Writing and delivery of art therapy program for cancer patients and their carers.


Accommodation Network - Art Therapist

Northern Rivers, NSW, 2012-2013
✩ Writing and delivery of adult disabilities arts therapy programs based on sensory & fine motor skills development, inclusion & group process.


Reclaim the Night // Women's Resource Center - Art Therapist

Lismore, 2013
✩ Women's art workshops and Pop Up Exhibition in conjunction with Lismore Women's & Children’s Refuge and Art in the Heart, Lismore Council.


Burra Jurra Indigenous Youth Surf Program

Northern Rivers, NSW, 2012.
✩ Art installation project, working with local Arakwal cultural stories, places & plants.


Wake Up Time Group, INTRA & The Buttery (Drug & Alcohol Rehab) - Art Therapist

Casino, NSW, 2011
✩ Writing and delivery of textile arts programs with Indigenous women affected
by alcohol issues in their community
✩ Building personal and cultural strength and confidence through art.

✩ Supported in partnership with Arts Northern Rivers and CASP funding.



A W A R D E D   G R A N T S   &   A W A  R D S


2021 NAVA Artist Benevolent Grant

2020 Arts Northern Rivers MICRO

2015 Small works (Public Art Panel, Byron Shire Council),

2015 Youth Activities Grant (Byron Shire Council),

2015 CASP Country Arts Support Program,

2015 Regional Arts NSW,

2105 Chuffed Crowd Funding Campaign,

2015 Byron Shire Youth Council Award- Youth Project of the Year

2014 Seeds of Renewal ( FRRR/ ANZ),

2014 Byron Shire Youth Council Award- Youth Project of the Year

2013 Regional Arts NSW Community Partnerships Grant
2012 CASP Country Arts Support Program (Regional Arts NSW),

2012 Creative Communities Nelson (Creative New Zealand)

2012 Crowd Funding Campaign (Pledge me)
2011 Environmental Sustainability Fund (Auckland Unitec)
2010 Creative Communities Waikato (Creative New Zealand)
2009 Kakano Funding (New Works) Scheme (Creative New Zealand)










































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